Super Power

The other day Bill and I were having dinner with some friends and the question was posed to each of us, “What is your Super Power?”

As we went around the table and answered, the responses included relationship-builder, problem-solver, drama-avoider (haha…still not sure that counts) and then it was my turn. I honestly had no idea. It was an interesting pause, because it became clear that others can not designate that for you. It isn’t just a characteristic of your behavior, but truly something you achieve often and successfully within yourself. Yes, it can affect others, but the Super Power is yours.

I arrived at a “Do-er.”

If I decide to do it, I can (no qualifier as to how well). I am most definitely a finisher as well, but the doing is where it’s at for me. I suppose inherently that means I am also a memory-maker, a dream-pursuer and a hard-headed human. Yep, I think that fits!

So, what is your Super Power?


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